
Eirik- Summer & Fall 2007 My first of many, I hope
Eirik at the Science Centre This is my first trip to the Ontario Science Centre, a pretty cool place. Have a look.
Eirik and Thomas You have to have a look at the Thomas Train set we have got. They are saying I have to share with Kyle and Jonathan, but they are too small yet, and later on we shall see...
Eirik - Winter 2008 It has been a little while since the last time, but here is some of the things that happened to me in the last few month
Eirik - Spring 2008 Well the winter is finally over, and soon I will show you some summer videos, but first here is the spring one.
Eirik & Jonathan Granddad and I have now made a video with Jonathan in it. As you can see I am trying to show him how to do things.
Eirik - Fall 2008 Here is the fall edition, usual stuff, apart from the train show of course.
3 Amigos Granddad has made a little video where Kyle, Jonathan and I all feature. I don't think it is as good as the ones where I am the only star, but you can see for yourself.
Eirik - May 22,09 This is an afternoon I spent with Grandma and Grandpa, they tell me it was May 22. It was good time in any case.
Eirik - June 2009 A little Kyle, some Jonathan, but mostly me. And some scary snakes.
Eirik's 3rd birthday Self explanatory. We had a great time, and I got lots of presents.
On Woodbine Beach Jonathan, Grandma, Grandpa and I went to the beach one afternoon. We had a great time. Got pretty wet and dirty though.
Toopy  & Binoo We all went to see Toopy and Binoo one day. Great show !
My Thomas video A video of some of my Thomas trains. I produced and directed, Grandpa helped a little.
Tottenham Express Jonathan and I went with Mum and Grandpa for a train ride and a visit to a Thomas store in Tottenham one morning. Had a really neat time.
Pumpkin Patch Jonathan, Mum, Granddad and I went to the pumpkin farm one afternoon, lots of stuff to do there, and tons of pumpkins. Good pies too.
Eirik &  Jonathan @ OSC- 2010 Mum, Grandpa and I took Jonathan to the Science Centre. he is bigger now so I can show him more stuff. I am still in charge though.
Kyle & Eirik @ Grandma's - February 2010 Kyle and I has a really good afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa's.
Eirik & Jonathan @ Sunnybrook Park - 2010 Grandma and Grandma took Jonathan to Sunnybrook Park, I ahve been there before, but this was his first time.
Easter 2010 This is what we did at Easter this year
Eirik & Kyle @ Grandma's- June 2010 Kyle and I was Grandma's and Grandpa's again.
Day out with Thomas I took Jonathan, Grandma and Granpa to see Thomas. We had a great time, but as you can see it ended kind of wet.
Toronto Island - 2010 Jonathan, Mum, Grandma and Granpa, and of course the star, went to the Island for the day. A great day.
I have now told Granddad to fix up this webpage a little bit. As you can see we have  a newer picture of the cute one, and we have also fixed the layout of the presentation a little.